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Introducing New Hampshire’s Healthcare Heroes – Meg Miller & Catie Gaudreault Named Healthcare Heroes

Meg Miller and Catie Gaudreault name New Hampshire Healthcare Heroes

Congratulations to our very own, Meg Miller and Catie Gaudreault, for being named “New Hampshire Healthcare Heroes!” They were nominated by their colleagues for their dedication to go above and beyond the call of duty and were two of twelve winners throughout the state.

We all know Healthcare Heroes. Every hour of the day and every day of the year they are on the job helping ensure that everyone is healthy, safe and well cared for. New Hampshire is proud to honor two Healthcare Heroes from the Lakes Region – Our very own Heroes: Meg Miller, Executive Director and Catie Gaudreault, Director of Nursing Services.

Twelve Healthcare Heroes were selected from across New Hampshire through a nominations process. This effort was run through the New Hampshire Sector Partnerships Initiative (SPI), which put out a call for nominations for individuals employed in a wide range of healthcare organizations who have gone above and beyond over the past several months to care for others. A list of all winners and runners-up can be found on the NH Health Care Association website.

“These individuals exemplify the care and commitment we see across our state as healthcare workers play such a critical role as caregivers during a pandemic that has significantly challenged us in many unprecedented ways. We know there are thousands of Healthcare Heroes across New Hampshire and wanted to showcase a few of these amazing individuals,” said Roxie Severance, healthcare sector advisor for SPI.

As Executive Director of Peabody Home, a long-term care facility founded in 1938, Meg Miller says her role is to lead caring, dedicated individuals, to listen to elders, build on their abilities and minimize the assistance they may need.

Here’s what her nominator said about her:

“She has led her staff to have a zero COVID19 positive facility, keeping its staff and residents safe. While doing this she is spearheading a $25,000,000.00 expansion of the facility that will double its capacity. As Chairman of the Board of Directors, I see her daily efforts on both of the above and am just amazed.”

Meg began working in the healthcare field in 1980 at Concord Hospital. She earned her Nursing Home Administrator License in 1994 and began working at Peabody Home in 1998. “Although COVID19 has been the most challenging part of my career, I’ve enjoyed every minute of being in healthcare,” she said. “I would still recommend a healthcare career to anyone as it gave me a strong foundation to know myself better.”

Catie Gaudreault is passionate about her work in elder care. Her nominator said the following about her:

“Why I am choosing to nominate Catie is that right now, COVID19, staffing issues and increasing regulations, she is willing to take on the leadership role of Director of Nursing Services/quality of life for residents in a long-term care setting. The job of leading the backbone of a long-term care setting is a tough position and I commend Catie for embracing the role.”

Catie began working in the healthcare field 13 years ago after watching her husband’s chronically ill grandmother receive in-home care. “I started working as an Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) in long-term care,” she said. “Now, as the Director of Nursing, my biggest challenge since the pandemic has been addressing the evolving guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and educating and communicating those changes to our teams and residents’ families. For those considering a career in healthcare, starting your career as an LNA is a great steppingstone to help you further your goals.”

SPI is a collaborative, industry-led program that provides funding, training expertise and other resources to help companies within a growing industry sector collaborate on workforce development needs together. The SPI healthcare sector team developed the NH Healthcare Heroes effort. The NH Health Care Association serves as the host for the healthcare sector. The effort is sponsored in part by the BEA through a US Department of Labor grant, Northeast Delta Dental and a local t-shirt company, Beeze Tees.

For more information on this effort and to get involved in the future, please contact Roxie Severance at For more information on SPI, please visit